When is Probate Required in North Carolina?

When is Probate Required in North Carolina?

Estate planning and probate processes can be daunting, especially during a time of loss. A common question is, "When is probate required?" Understanding the circumstances where probate is necessary can make the process feel less overwhelming. So let’s break down the...
How Do You Become a Personal Representative of Estate?

How Do You Become a Personal Representative of Estate?

The legal aspects of estate planning and administration can feel confusing to those not in the legal profession. However, if a loved one has passed away, you may wonder who will work with the probate court to manage the settling of the estate. Well, wonder no longer...
What is Probate Court?

What is Probate Court?

Everyone over the age of 18 has an estate. Your estate is comprised of everything you own in addition to your minor children and pets. It’s crucial to make a plan for your estate before you die. Without a plan, your estate goes through a long court process known as...
What is a Small Estate Affidavit?

What is a Small Estate Affidavit?

If a loved one passes away without owning many assets, you may want to settle the estate without going through the probate process. There are many good reasons to skip the probate line and move straight into settling an estate. In North Carolina, you will need to get...