As an LLC owner, you are responsible for filing your business taxes. Business taxes can seem daunting, but they don't have to be! Learn how to file business taxes for your LLC with information about your tax options, filing self-employment taxes, and how to pay...
You can hire employees in a few different ways if you own an LLC. However, there are some things to know before you get started. But don't worry - hiring new workers is not complicated! Learn the basics of employee hiring and see tips to make it as smooth as possible...
Hiring the best talent can be daunting for small businesses in North Carolina. Finding the right individual with the skillset and personality to fit your company culture would be best. But how do you go about doing that? This blog post will outline some of the best...
Completing your North Carolina annual report may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to file your report on time and without any stress. Whether you are a new business owner or have been completing...
As a new business, generating buzz is crucial to get the word out. Sending out a press release is a free way to make that happen! Learn how to write an impactful press release that will help promote your new...
Unilateral contracts are agreements where someone makes an offer, and someone else agrees to do something in return. Many unilateral contracts involve someone with a specific task they are looking to pay someone else to complete. Learn about unilateral contracts and...
Court-ordered guardianship can feel like a daunting task for a new guardian. Suddenly you are responsible for another person's care and well-being. As a financial guardian, you must navigate through piles of paperwork, including regular court-ordered inventories. In...
If you're like most people, you have many questions about guardianship in NC. How do you become a guardian? Can you stop being the guardian? How does our state handle guardianship issues such as modification of the guardian? Let's explore guardianship in NC and the...
Sometimes adults cannot take care of themselves and need another person to act as a quasi-parent in their life. A guardian is legally appointed to make decisions on behalf of an adult with diminished capacity. Find out how to start the adult guardianship process to...
A managing member is an essential role in any company. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations and ensuring the company runs smoothly. This individual is an owner but also represents the company in legal and contractual matters. Learn what managing members...