by Durham Law Firm | Aug 15, 2014 | Estate Planning
Estate planning for senior citizens: While a large number of people create estate plans at a younger age, many people put off the process until they are older. Waiting until you are in poor health is not the best idea for many reasons, but we find ourselves in...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 14, 2014 | Estate Administration
Real property in estate administration Title to real property vests in the heirs of the decedent at the time of the decedent’s death, or, if the decedent leaves a valid will, at the time of the probate of the will, with ownership rights in the heirs relating...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 9, 2014 | Estate Planning
Talking with family about your estate plan: Speaking with your family about your death wishes is never an easy or exciting topic. Most people don’t enjoy discussing, or even thinking about what happens after they die. However, being open and honest about your wishes...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 9, 2014 | Employment Law
New Alternatives for Paid Family Leave? North Carolina employers are required to follow the federal Family Medical Leave Act in order to provide paid or unpaid leave for employees who qualify for such leave. However, the employer is only required to do so if they...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 9, 2014 | Estate Planning
When to Choose a Trust Over a Will It can sometimes be difficult to determine the difference whether it is better to have a trust or a will to handle the disposition of the bulk of your assets. How do you know which one will work best for you? Well, like every other...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 7, 2014 | Estate Administration, Estate Planning
“Three simple steps, and then you will see, how easy making an estate plan can be… Three simple steps” has been going through my head all day, as it’s a derivation from a theme song on a show my 4 year old son watches all the time. The three...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 5, 2014 | Estate Planning
Proper planning for death reflects responsible decision-making during life. Life changing events, such as getting married, having kids or purchasing a home are the perfect time to start thinking about estate planning. It also might be time to update your will or...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 4, 2014 | Estate Administration, Estate Planning
Reasons to Avoid Probate Probate is the process of administering the estate of a deceased person, which means making filings with the court, paying creditors, and transferring property to the heirs or beneficiaries (the people named in the Will or under state law if...
by Durham Law Firm | Jul 30, 2014 | Estate Planning
In our Durham office, we regularly consult with clients about their estate planning needs. One of the more morbid things we discuss is the Advance Directive for a Natural Death, or Living Will, but it is a critical estate planning tool for most of our clients. With...
by Durham Law Firm | Jul 29, 2014 | Estate Planning
The most common estate plan we handle in our office for our Raleigh estate planning clients consists of: (1) Last Will and Testament, (2) Health Care Power of Attorney, (3) Living Will, and (4) Durable General Power of Attorney. If it is appropriate, we also will...