When is the right time to get a Will?

When is the right time to get a Will?

There is no right or wrong time in your life to see a Durham attorney about setting up an estate plan. Folks tend to believe that estate plans, and specifically wills, are something we only need to worry about when we get old. However, no one is guaranteed a tomorrow...
Five Misconceptions about Making a Will

Five Misconceptions about Making a Will

Misconception #1: I only need a Will if I’m wealthy Many people think if they do not have many assets or much property that they do not need a will. However, even if you only own a car and a small checking account, you will still want to make sure it goes to the right...
Naming a Guardian for Your Child

Naming a Guardian for Your Child

A good time to begin creating an estate plan is after the birth of a child. Having an estate plan allows you to nominate a guardian for your child in your Will, which gives you some say in the naming of a guardian. Without this document, the court will lack guidance...
Common Mistakes when Planning an Estate

Common Mistakes when Planning an Estate

Common Mistakes When Planning An Estate Planning an estate is not something many people want to consider. When you talk about making a will, it often brings to mind aging and being unable to take care of yourself. People often put it off until they are older and...