Do you want to keep as much of what you have earned as you possibly can? Work for your family's future and learn how to optimize your estate and finances with Trusts and IRA's. Don't let taxes, fees, and red tape take a cut from your hard work. If the future has...
After probate for an estate has closed, there are no legal definitives for if someone wants to reopen probate to sue. Probate lasts for several months to several years because it is the Personal Representative’s job to uncover all assets, all creditors, and all...
All aspects of Senior care including planning for asset protection, healthcare issues, Medicaid planning, Senior Exploitation, and guardianship cases are part of Elder Law. A knowledgeable and experienced attorney specializing in Elder Law can help you find answers...
Preparing for the future of a special needs person is crucial to their standard of living, especially after you have passed away. With some planning, it is possible for your child to have SSI and Medicaid benefits while also benefiting from a trust fund that provides...
In a Last Will and Testament, a parent can name guardians that they would want to care for their children if they both die. You need a plan for your children if the unimaginable happens. Learn more about the foster care system and other ways to set your children up...
Are you prepared and have you prepared your family for life's surprises? A job loss, prolonged illness, or unexpected loss of a family member can have a big impact on your family's estate plan and your current financial situation. Learn how to prepare in this...
If you are a caregiver for an older loved one, you may be wondering how to find a balance between caring for others and caring for yourself. Burnout may be a real concern. Learn more about your legal role as guardian or discover tips on how to...
The 5 Year look back is a policy used to determine Medicaid eligibility. Learn how to keep your standard of living and avoid “spending down” your retirement savings to qualify for Medicaid. If long term care or high medical bills are in your future, the time to start...
Know the most recent estate plan laws to minimize the tax burden on your retirement funds. Learn about the strategies that can maximize your retirement funds for both you and your heirs. Speak with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney to understand the...
A Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can be an alternative to spending down assets in order to qualify for Medicaid. If it will be 5 years before you need long-term care, you have many options for saving money. Even if you need long-term care now, an attorney can help...