When an older loved one struggles to care for themself, you may question who will help them make decisions. In this case, it's essential to understand the legal meaning of the word "incapacitation" and find answers for a loved one needing a guardian. You may also want...
If you have a loved one who has a mental disability or is showing signs of dementia, you may be wondering what the next step is. You want to make sure they get the care and attention they need. One option is to become their legal guardian. This means assuming...
Court-ordered guardianship can feel like a daunting task for a new guardian. Suddenly you are responsible for another person's care and well-being. As a financial guardian, you must navigate through piles of paperwork, including regular court-ordered inventories. In...
If you're like most people, you have many questions about guardianship in NC. How do you become a guardian? Can you stop being the guardian? How does our state handle guardianship issues such as modification of the guardian? Let's explore guardianship in NC and the...
Sometimes adults cannot take care of themselves and need another person to act as a quasi-parent in their life. A guardian is legally appointed to make decisions on behalf of an adult with diminished capacity. Find out how to start the adult guardianship process to...
If a court appoints you as the guardian of an elderly loved one, it is crucial to understand your duties and responsibilities. As a guardian, you are responsible for making financial and legal decisions on behalf of your loved one. You also must keep accurate records...