by Durham Law Firm | Jan 6, 2022 | Estate Planning
If you’ve been putting off making an estate plan, including a will or trust, now is the time. It is crucial to stay prepared and easy to get started writing a will. Procrastinating about your future is a risky endeavor. Understanding why you need a will is the first...
by Durham Law Firm | Dec 15, 2021 | Estate Planning
Most people understand that having some sort of an estate plan is a good thing. However, it may feel like a struggle to take the steps to get that estate plan in place. Sometimes, of a lack of understanding of the nuances between the different legal frameworks can...
by Durham Law Firm | Dec 8, 2021 | Estate Planning
Experienced estate planning attorneys prepare the legal documents you need to take care of yourself and your family as you age. If you own a home or have children or a spouse or partner, estate planning is just part of ensuring that you are all cared for. When you...
by Durham Law Firm | Nov 29, 2021 | Estate Administration, Estate Planning
Without planning for your future, long-term care costs can hit your hard-earned savings and eventually result in the sale of your family home after your death. It IS possible to keep your assets safe and still qualify for Medicaid coverage. Let’s see when Medicaid can...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 9, 2021 | Estate Planning
With the extended average lifespan in the US at 78 years of age, you may need to support yourself for decades of retirement. Let’s look at smart ways to ensure that your hard-earned money is still working for you in your seventies and...
by Durham Law Firm | Jul 30, 2021 | Estate Planning
We understand that it feels hard to get around to estate planning; it sounds about as fun as getting a root canal. However, a root canal gets rid of pain and estate planning prevents future pain for you and your family. We all want to ensure that our loved ones are...