by Durham Law Firm | Jun 12, 2016 | Estate Planning
Couples in the twenty first century are increasingly choosing to live together, sometimes for years, before they get married. Sometimes, they do not even choose to get married. While an unmarried couple may have a relationship just as loving as a married couple, they...
by Durham Law Firm | Jun 10, 2016 | Estate Planning
Should I Update My Estate Plan? Estate plans are not set in stone. Wills, powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, and living wills are all documents that can be modified and updated throughout the years. When are some good times to update your estate...
by Durham Law Firm | Jun 7, 2016 | Estate Planning
Modern Estate Planning – Durham, NC Estate planning and estate laws have been around for hundreds of years. Although estate laws do get updated to keep up with changing times, most wills, powers of attorney, and other estate planning documents often use original...
by Durham Law Firm | Jun 4, 2016 | Estate Planning
Millennials and Estate Planning Millennials are one of the most talked about generations in the world today, especially considering that millennials wait longer to buy homes and get married. What kind of effect could this have on millennial estate plans? What effect...
by Durham Law Firm | Jun 2, 2016 | Estate Planning
When appointing an executor of a will, some people may choose a person who does not live in North Carolina. There are many reasons for this. They may want their child to be the executor and that child lives out of state. They may have retired and moved to a different...
by Durham Law Firm | Jun 1, 2016 | Estate Planning
What can we learn from Prince? Estate attorneys around the country have been paying close attention to the death of Prince. On top of losing a talented and beloved music star, controversy has popped up concerning his estate. Family members claim that they have been...