by Durham Law Firm | Jan 6, 2020 | Estate Planning, Events
Event Video Transcript Hi, I’m Chris Wilms. I’m one of the attorneys at Hopler, Wilms, & Hanna. I’m pleased to talk to you today about an event coming up called Prepare, Don’t Predict. It’s at an awesome location called Spaceworks in...
by Durham Law Firm | Dec 17, 2019 | Estate Planning, HWH Updates
Many people own property and owe debts in more than one state. When a person who owns property in more than one state passes away, two different probate proceedings are necessary: a domiciliary proceeding and an ancillary proceeding. A domiciliary proceeding is the...
by Durham Law Firm | Sep 18, 2019 | Estate Planning
When someone passes away and a client seeks our help in handling the final affairs of their loved one, one of the first questions we ask is whether the deceased person had a Will. So often, the answer is yes, and then the client shows us the Will. A lot of the time...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 28, 2019 | Estate Planning
If you are a financial advisor, you may believe that estate planning is best handled by attorneys. While an attorney is necessary to draft legal documents, it is also beneficial for financial advisors to be part of the estate planning conversation. For any individual...
by Durham Law Firm | Aug 14, 2019 | Estate Planning
If you are the parent of a college-bound child, these last few weeks have probably been a little hectic preparing for classes to start back. As much preparing as you have done though, you may still be concerned about your child’s safety while they are away. One thing...