Join Nancy Ruffner and Adam Hopler in an exploration of the topic of elder exploitation and learn insights into identifying and remedying the financial and physical abuse of the elderly.

-What’s happening to mom/dad that makes them vulnerable?

-Who is likely to exploit your mom/dad and how will they do it?

-What legal rights exist for those who want to remedy the abuse of an elderly person?

Meet the Speakers:

Nancy Ruffner, BCPA is a Board Certified Patient Advocate and owner of NAVIGATE NC. Nancy earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (BSW) from Western Carolina University and a Graduate Certificate in Counselor Education (GCCE) from NC State University. The emerging field of Professional Patient Advocacy is rising, and Nancy was among the first in her industry to earn her BCPA, Board Certified Patient Advocate.

Adam Hopler is an Attorney and Counselor at law and licensed member of the North Carolina State Bar. His law firm helps families and businesses with Wills and Estates, Guardianships, Estate and Civil Litigation, Employment Litigation, and Unemployment Benefits.

Also check out our blog “What is Elder Exploitation”

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