Power of Attorney – Durham Attorneys

The power of attorney document is an essential part of almost any estate plan. This important tool gives another person the ability to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf.

However, a Power of Attorney grants a lot of power, and can easily be abused. It often will give a person free reign to act on your behalf, and it should not be granted lightly. Despite all that could happen, it is still a very important part of an estate plan. If you do not have this tool in place, it could cost your family significant effort, time, and money to pursue a guardianship. The Court might not even appoint the guardian you would have wanted.

Gifts in a Power of Attorney – Raleigh Estate Planning Attorneys

One of the most abused parts of a Power of Attorney is the ability to give gifts. However, do you want to name a person to handle other important matters with a Power of Attorney if you don’t trust them to give gifts in accordance with your wishes? It’s a difficult topic to discuss, but it is important that you name a person you absolutely trust. If someone like that is not in your life, it may be necessary to create a power of attorney with strict limitations.

Call (919) 244-2019 or Email law@hoplerwilms.com to reach a licensed attorney experienced in crafting a North Carolina Power of Attorney.

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